How Do You Get A Proxy For The Westgate SuperContest?

It Is Easy to Get a Proxy Set Up at the Westgate

The Westgate, previously the Las Vegas Hilton, has a long running reputation for some of the richest purses for sports contests in the state of Nevada. If you want to feel the excitement of big money with lots of chances for your sports picks to place, you need look no further than Westgate. The Westgate is known for the SuperContest, the SuperContest Gold, and the SuperContest Reboot. Each one has different rules and numbers of contests you can enter, with different payouts.  With the number of choices the Westgate offers, sometimes it is a little overwhelming to figure out which is what and when it has to be turned in to make the deadline. That is why using a knowledgeable proxy service recognized as a preferred proxy service by the Westgate can be a lifeline.

Steps to Get a SuperContest Proxy

Utilizing a proxy service to place proxy bets for you is easy, but does require a few rules be followed. First, the proxy service should be one the Westgate has on their preferred list. It is not a rule, but is common sense. It makes things easier and it is assurance for you that the proxy company runs things above board, is ethical, follows the rules, and does what they say.  The Westgate requires that in order for you to use a proxy, or someone who places your sports picks for you weekly during a sports contest, that you and the proxy come in together prior to the registration deadline and register together. This lets the Westgate “tag” your file showing you have personally approved the proxy to represent you and place your choices in the contest on an ongoing basis. You do need to remember that you have to be 21 to participate in any contest at the Westgate, and deadlines and cut-off times are hard and fast. You do not, however, need to live in Nevada or even the United States for that matter to register, pay your fees, and have bets placed each week of the season.

The Westgate Has Preferred Proxy Services, and Winners Circle Proxy Service is the Best – Here’s Why

When a company provides a service, they need to be on their game, and that is one reason that I like Winners Circle Proxy Service. They do what they say, at a reasonable flat fee price, with nothing hidden or big invoices to pay later. They also have a rock solid guarantee to get your choices in place on time before deadlines. Winners Circle has the latest pick placement schedule of any proxy service in Vegas, so you can take advantage of late wisdom and knowledge like last minute roster changes, weather conditions, and other issues that might affect the game outcome.

Winners Circle has a layered, redundant service format that is great, too. This means that heaven forbid, there is an accident, someone gets grounded or quarantined, or other issue that your picks will be placed correctly and on time by another member of their team. This redundant system assures no excuses, and it is approved by the Westgate. Winners Circle also fully guarantees their services, and if they do ever miss a deadline or make a placement mistake, you get a full refund and the rest of the season your service is free.  

Preferred Proxy for Westgate SuperContest = Winners Circle

The Westgate is very particular about who they approve as preferred proxies, as they are one if not the biggest payout pot for sports contests in the city. They only give preferred status to companies that offer top-notch service, follow the venue’s policies and rules, and run a completely above board company. Winners Circle has many years of experience placing proxy bets for sports venues in the area, and has worked as the proxy for some of the largest winners in Vegas sportsbook, including last year’s winner of the SuperContest at the Westgate.  The Westgate knows Winners Circle is reliable, honorable, and offers a true value with their flat-fee proxy service. It is a win-win-win all the way around.

westgate supercontest proxy

It is Not Too Late for 2020 Late Season SuperContest Reboot

While you have just missed the deadline for the 2020 Westgate SuperContest and the 2020 Westgate SuperContest Gold (both had a deadline of September 12, 2020 to register in person), you still have time to get in on the SuperContest Reboot! The Reboot is awesome for entry-level players or those who cannot dedicate time for the seventeen weeks of the regular season. With a low buy-in of $500, it has the same spread as the regular SuperContest but covers those critical weeks of 9-17 leading up to the playoffs and beyond. Each week you pick five NFL games against the contest line. A win gets you one point, a tie or push a half-point. You can buy up to three entries in the Reboot, and your picks can be placed every week by your proxy service. Winners Circle Proxy Service has slots available for late season sports play, so contact them now to get an appointment to register in person (with the proxy present) at the Westgate before the cutoff for registration on November 7, 2020 at 3 p.m. PST.  The Reboot has a sweet quarterly purse of $135,000. With the late submission deadlines, you can get picks in practically right up to the last game with Winners Circle.

Get Ready Now for the Next Westgate SuperContest and SuperContest Gold Season

Are you kicking yourself for missing the deadlines for the SuperContest and SuperContest Gold at the Westgate? Don’t miss another big payoff potential  – fill out the info at and get an appointment set up now to register with your proxy for the next big ticket season. They can make your life a lot easier, you can avoid the last minute crush and expense and aggravation of having to dash to the venue and register in a crowd. You know you would rather spend that time planning your play strategy in advance! The SuperContest and SuperContest Gold usually close registration in September of each year. Winners Circle can fill you in on the details, and you will be ready for kickoff early.  The Westgate continues to pay out huge sums in their sports contests, with the Gold being a winner take all. Next year absolutely looks to be even huger than this year, or last. And by the way, Winners Circle proxied for last year’s winners of over $1.4 million. Not bad change! Also check out our post on what is a proxy fee.


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